1:1 Mentoring Program


Delivery of lower-level support where it is appropriate, but they will also refer higher risk individuals to the targeted ‘Protect’ intensive mentoring element of this project.


The Protect mentoring element of the project is a targeted intensive programme that supports and challenges YP who are identified as at risk of becoming involved in serious youth violence (perpetrator or victim) and associated vulnerability strands.

Referral sources:

NMS Partners

Schools / PRU’S

CSP’s via Risk Adolescent Safeguarding & Prevention (GRASP) multi-agency panel or equivalent.

Youth Service and YOS

To be eligible for referral, the young person (male or female) should be:

  • Aged between 10-18 associated or at risk of exploitation, criminal exploitation or associated vulnerability (if they fall outside the eligible age range they will be considered on a case by case basis)
  • At significant risk of harm from exploitation, (such as violence or criminal groups, a risk to themselves, or pose a risk of harm to others motivated to change to involvement (if applicable) and are willing to work with the service.
  • To accommodate the needs of young people in need of guidance and structure as an early intervention. Whilst a young person may not be at immediate risk, they may still be eligible for support to guide them away from a path which will lead to criminal exploitation involvement in the future

The young person will not be eligible:

  • If there is no evidence of vulnerability gang or SYV association or risks from gangs
  • If they are already receiving extensive support from the borough that they are residing in, or from other statutory organisations, or if the services they require are available locally to them (although if services are oversubscribed or not suitable then they will be considered).

Referral Route:

if you would like to learn more about the program please contact us 02031503525 or email us directly referrals@youthunity.org

"A range of different interventions throughout the life course can reduce individuals’ propensity for violence, lower the chances of those involved in violence being involved again and ensure that those affected by violence get the support they require."

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