Our Feedback And Evaluation
Our results analysis has evidenced reduced risks, aided safeguarding and improved assessment. We are passionate about our clients being better informed to improve their skills in reducing risks to staff and clients, along with providing enhanced levels of support.
The statistics below are the quality feedback, to date, on professional training delivered across statutory and non statutory organisations.
Our team has collectively over 30 years of experience working within partnership and integrated services
Our advisory capacity has extended to:
Local Authorities and ‘Think Tanks’
We have a wealth of project management experience, driving innovation and joint working specific to ‘Group Violence (Gangs), Drugs and other forms of Exploitation Vulnerable teams
- Geo-Mapping of Contextual Safeguarding Risks
- Peer Group/Social Network Analysis of adults and young people at risk from exploitation
- Co-ordination of enhanced information sharing between integrated services
- Delivery of certified ‘Need To Know’ gangs and exploitation training
- Members of support panels for families affected by gangs and exploitation
- Building trust with and empowering gang affected and exploited vulnerable young people such as: UASC, LAC and SEND
- Actively supporting the EGVE Home Office to tackle gangs and exploitation. Application of Knife Crime Partnership prevention expertise
- Applying Partnership 4 Ps of Serious Organised Crime strategic development Experience of working in partnership with Trident specialist gang teams
- Working collaboratively with US and UK senior programme managers to draw on proven and effective best practice
- Positively utilising the experience of mentors (ex gang members)
How much did you enjoy the workshop
How do you rate the teacher and the assistant
Would you like to be involved in more after school projects?
How many stars do you give for the set up of the workshops?
We ask the children to complete a survey at the end of each session.
How do you rate today?
The statistics are the based on delivery over the last five years feedback, to date, on training delivered across statutory and non statutory organisations.