Fully Funded Gang Awareness Workshops

North Meets South Big Local is a resident organisation led by the people of Marks Gate and North Chadwell Heath.

We exist to ensure the efficient use of a million pounds allocated to the area by the Big Lottery Fund (Local Trust), to address the unique needs of the people that live in our area. Our Steering Group of residents, consult and engage with their peers to identify what is important to people in our area. This information is used to create local plans for the area. 

Physical improvement of public facilities / community assets within the area: The aim of these projects is to beautify public spaces in the area; encourage residents of all ages to use existing green / public spaces in creative ways

Social activities for residents of every age group: These projects are opportunities to bring the community together, creating avenues for residents to socialise and make connections.

Positive attitudes and opportunities: These are skills and capacity building projects which foster a “can-do” mentality within the area by encouraging residents to take responsibility for change

Year 10 and 11 for secondary schools and Year 5 & 6 for primary schools
one session for each year group plus one session for teachers/parents


In response to our community research in 2020, NMS is due to launch a gang awareness and anti- grooming project in partnership with schools within the area. Our aim is to run a series of awareness workshops in both Primary and Secondary Schools, as an early intervention programme to target young people before they are engaged with/ involved in gang or criminal activities. We have commisioned Youth Unity to deliver this workshops

Grooming awareness Workshops

An interactive transition programme which will covers how to identify grooming by gang members, being safe online and around the community, self-awareness, identity and knife crime.

The workshops will be conducted in individual tutor groups to encourage pupils to share their experience with people they feel safe with.

Sessions for parents and teachers

Gangs & exploitation awareness workshops for parents and teachers: 45mins that raises awareness of cuckooing and vulnerabilities which are signs of criminal activities

The workshops are all facilitated by Youth Unity, an organisation established to provide effective help and support to young people and adults affected by group violence (gangs), drugs and other forms of exploitations (e.g., Human trafficking, CSE & extremism).

They facilitate a series of programmes dedicated to informing parents, carers, and teaching professionals against the risks of gang culture and the dangers of specific manipulations young people encounter whether it is sexual or criminally motivated. Their work is aimed at breaking down behaviour stereotypes about young people and building bridges of quality communication that bring understanding between social groups.

Base on the evidenced feedback from clients, we have identified and implemented solutions in:

  • Increased staff confidence 
  • Improved localised perspective specific to Home Grown and County Lines activity
  • Increased identification of safeguarding risks 
  • Earlier identification of positive intervention opportunities 
  • Increased engagement with the vulnerable client cohort 
  • Increased joint information/intelligence contribution   
  • Improved Trusting Relationships with vulnerable young people, parents/carers and deprived communities 
  • Helping our most vulnerable have greater resilience in saying ‘no’ to Group Violence (Gangs), Drugs and Exploitation  
  • Improved quality of bespoke professional training 
  • Better safeguarding young people from harm and enhanced professional awareness of safeguarding risks 
  • Increased joint information sharing and joint working, specific to those most ‘at risk’ from Group Violence, Gangs, Drugs and other forms of Exploitation 
  • Our community cohesion festival is a community peace campaign and celebration of young Londoners’ achievements; to shine light on the positive contributions they make to society; to promote the positive benefits of community participation and social activism and to empower vulnerable young people with practical ways to remove violence from their lives. 

Transistion workshops for year 5 & 6

Need to Know resilience training for Transition Stage pupils

‘Gangs, Drugs, Violence and other forms of Exploitation’


Josh’s Story is an interactive session delivered to young people at Years 5 and 6 (aged 9-11 years), which is a particularly vulnerable group experiencing a significant stage of transition into secondary education.  The session builds their resilience to saying ‘No’ to drugs and violence and helps them develop the cognitive (thinking) skills to better understand the risks they may well experience and to make the right positive choices. This is explored through the  experience of ‘Josh’, his family and his friends. Josh’s Story focuses on the following areas: – friendships, always being truthful, exploring and understanding the risks associated with drugs, raising awareness of peer pressure, the impact of group violence, better appreciating the consequences of wrong decisions being made and the importance of seeking positive support from teachers and peers.

To date, feedback from schools (staff and children) has been excellent and the young people have produced the most amazing art posters. Clearly, they have been empowered to make a positive difference to saying ‘No’ to drugs and violence

The aim of this series of ‘Chicken Shop’ workshops

A. Understanding the signs and stages of manipulative and grooming relationships.

B. Identifying the methods that groomers use to manipulate others.

C. Using Social media in a safe and mindful way.

D. Understanding the impact of grooming and drug debts.

E. Gaining a basic understanding of the law.

Young People Reached
Delivered so far
1 %
1 %

Last year's feedback analysis

We ask the children to complete a survey at the end of each session.
How do you rate today?

How much did you enjoy the workshop? 91%
I feel more confident in the subject of the workshop 89%
How well did the teacher do in the workshop? 96%
How many stars do you give the teacher? 93%
Did you enjoy the presentation? 85%
Would you like to do more workshops like this? 98%

Paul McKenzie

Work Shop Facilitator

James Hensman

Work Shop Facilitator

contact us

get in touch here or send an email to admin@youthunity.org

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